Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Wine, pasta, and more wine..

The past few days in Italy have been quite eventful. I arrived at the Venice airport on Sunday afternoon and met up with five other students to make the journey from the airport to Paderno. Luckily, one of the CIMBA RA's was at the airport and ended up coming back to campus with us. - I'm about 99.9% sure we wouldn't have made it by ourselves! After a rather late arrival to campus, we were sent to an orientation to help get us settled in to our new home. We quickly discovered a bar is located on the other side of our campus (via a tunnel leading under the street). Let's just say one glass of wine to welcome in the beginning of our adventure ended up being more than one...

On Monday, classes began and the beginning of our semester was off to a great start. I have had the opportunity to meet a bunch of amazing people and I'm greatly looking forward to getting to know everyone better. Monday night was deemed gelato night. A group of about 20 students decided we would make the twenty minute walk to the next town, Crespano, and indulge ourselves with some delicious dessert. Twenty minutes later: the gelato shop was closed! Apparently in Italy, besides the fact they take three hour lunch breaks and enjoy a simple life, Monday is a common day to be closed. It was probably the most depressing thing to happen to me since my journey began. That being said, do not think our group accepted defeat. - We definitely did not turn right back around and head to Paderno. A group member spotted a pub right down that street that was open. Quick summary: This family owned pub pulled out all the stops for us. Our night was not such a failure after all. 

Every morning seems to be a dream. Waking up in such a beautiful part of the world is surreal! I never imagined studying in a place where I would be spoiled by the grandeur of the Alps rising exquisitely into the clouds above on a daily basis.

I am excited to see what the rest of the semester will bring. 
Just one picturesque view of Paderno. 

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